
Introducing purchase intent data in B2B buyer's journey
18th Aug • News In Focus

Introducing purchase intent data in B2B buyer's journey

If you start chasing the prospect business who is not the right fit for you, you are also losing out the opportunity to connect with those who have a

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B2B Data: Catalyst squarely behind your sales and marketing strategies
17th Aug • News In Focus

B2B Data: Catalyst squarely behind your sales and marketing strategies

Let's consider an example to understand this - As a leader of a rock band, would you go for classical music for the audience that is expecting rock m

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Unravelling business intelligence tool for your business Secrets to succeed
16th Aug • News In Focus

Unravelling business intelligence tool for your business Secrets to succeed

According to the extensive study of the market, VLMS experts found that only a few firms have shared access, of sales info, with sales representative

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Top B2B marketing trends that will blossom your business in ongoing business quarter
13th Aug • News In Focus

Top B2B marketing trends that will blossom your business in ongoing business quarter

Adapt to the largest trends to start off strong this yearWith new beginnings, from individuals to companies, everyone is uncertain about this year. I

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Top B2B marketing trends that will guarantee success at macro level
12th Aug • News In Focus

Top B2B marketing trends that will guarantee success at macro level

With the market dips, the businesses lose their shine. But they have the desire to come out of the closet and start afresh. There have been many tren

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