What is better: building or buying email list for marketing?

What is better: building or buying email list for marketing? VLMS Global

Email marketing is one of the influential tools that is effective for digital marketing and campaigns. Generally, email marketing is used in B2B marketing, where emails are sent to relevant business people. Businesses sometimes face key digital marketing decisions whether to buy an email list or build their contact list. Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages, but understanding the pros and cons is mandatory to frame the best strategy. 

Here, we will dive deeper into essential facts about building or buying the email list. Email marketing can be effective if the pros and cons of email list buying or building are judged. 

A practical approach that has stood the test of time is expanding your email list organically, despite the temptation of fast results, which may entice marketers to look for shortcuts like buying email addresses. 

This strategy puts quality, engagement, and sincere connections over numbers. In this part, we will examine the nuances of creating your email list and the complex benefits and drawbacks of using this tried-and-true strategy.


Quality v/s Quantity

When you create your email list naturally, you are establishing the groundwork for a list of engaged and interested subscribers. These people have expressed interest in your company, your products, or your services. As you grow this audience, you will likely see increased open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. 


Thanks to organic growth, you may customize your content and messaging to meet your audience's specific interests and problems. You are more likely to develop a closer relationship with your subscribers if you produce material that speaks to them. 


Subscribers who have opted-in to receive your emails through sign-up forms, gated content, or subscription boxes are likelier to open them than report them as spam. This strategy also consistently complies with laws like the GDPR, ensuring that your marketing operations are moral and legal everywhere.



Building an email list takes a lot of time and work. You must produce exciting and worthwhile material to get them to subscribe. To persuade individuals to give you their contact information, you must also employ lead generation tactics, such as providing rewards like e-books, webinars, or unique content.

Limited scalability

Although organic development is efficient, it cannot offer the quick scalability that specific organizations need. To draw in and maintain a sizable subscriber base it takes time. If your growth goals are lofty, you'll need to add some more plans. 


Creating your email list focuses on enduring connections, high-quality participation, and compliance. Although it takes time and work, the returns may be worthwhile in the form of a subscription base that is more enthusiastic and devoted. 

It's a tactic that excels especially for companies trying to create a powerful brand identity, earn customers' confidence, and grow a base of ardent supporters. However, it's crucial to balance organic development, the demands of your company's scalability, and the pressing nature of your marketing goals. Building your list is challenging to stand out from all the competition and prove your worth, particularly if you are just getting started.