Unlocking success: 7 high-impact intent data strategies to supercharge your ABM

Unlocking success: 7 high-impact intent data strategies to supercharge your ABM VLMS Global

In the ever-evolving landscape of B2B marketing, Account-Based Marketing (ABM) has emerged as a powerful strategy for businesses targeting specific accounts to drive sales. However, the effectiveness of ABM can be amplified significantly when combined with intent data. This valuable resource provides insights into potential buyer behavior and interests, enabling marketers to tailor their approach to each target account. Here are seven high-impact intent data strategies to supercharge your ABM efforts and drive results.

 1. Leverage Behavioral Insights for Personalization

Intent data reveals how potential customers are engaging with content related to your product or service. Use this information to create highly personalized marketing messages and content. By analyzing the specific topics that interest your target accounts, you can craft tailored emails, social media posts, and landing pages that speak directly to their needs and pain points.

 2. Identify and Prioritize Target Accounts

Not all accounts are created equal. Intent data allows you to identify which prospects are actively researching solutions like yours. Focus on accounts showing heightened interest and allocate your resources accordingly. This targeted approach ensures that your efforts are spent on high-value leads that are more likely to convert into customers.

 3. Align Sales and Marketing Teams

Intent data acts as a bridge between sales and marketing teams, facilitating better communication and collaboration. Share the insights you glean from intent data with your sales reps, so they can understand the level of interest exhibited by each account. This alignment ensures that your sales team approaches leads at the right moment with the right message, increasing the chances of engagement and conversion.

 4. Create Timely Content Offers

Recognizing when an account is signaling intent to purchase provides a unique opportunity to engage them with timely content offers. Use intent data to deliver targeted resources, such as case studies, webinars, and whitepapers, tailored to the needs of the account. This timely engagement positions your brand as a trusted resource, increasing the likelihood of moving them further down the sales funnel.

 5. Retarget Engaged Accounts

Don’t let warm leads slip through the cracks. Use intent data to retarget accounts that have shown interest in your solutions but have not yet converted. Programmatic advertising and retargeting campaigns can keep your brand top-of-mind and encourage further engagement. Knowing what content resonates with these accounts allows you to craft messages that speak directly to their interests.

 6. Monitor Competitor Activity

Intent data isn’t just about understanding your prospects; it’s also about keeping an eye on your competitors. By tracking intent signals indicating when prospects are engaging with competing brands, you can proactively tailor your outreach strategy. This competitive intelligence allows you to capitalize on opportunities and differentiate your offering in a crowded market.

 7. Measure and Refine Campaigns in Real Time

Finally, take advantage of intent data to measure the effectiveness of your ABM campaigns continuously. By analyzing the performance of various strategies and tactics, you can identify what works and what doesn’t, allowing for real-time refinements. This data-driven approach ensures that your marketing efforts remain agile and responsive, adapting to the ever-changing landscape of buyer behavior.


Incorporating intent data into your ABM strategy is like adding rocket fuel to an already powerful engine. By personalizing outreach, aligning teams, and creating timely content, you can significantly enhance your marketing efforts. The key is to use the insights gained from intent data to drive meaningful engagement with your target accounts ultimately, leading to higher conversion rates and, ultimately, increased revenue. Supercharge your ABM strategy today and watch your business soar!